Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1 resolution comparison

In terms of horizontal resolution, the Panasonic Lumix TZ1 performs similarly to the Fujifilm F11 and Canon PowerShot A620, despite each having higher resolution 6 and 7 Megapixel sensors respectively. In terms of vertical resolution though, these higher resolution sensors allow both cameras to out-resolve the Panasonic TZ1, although if you compare the results with those from our earlier Compact Digital Camera Group Test, the TZ1 still out-resolves the Pentax Optio S6 despite having a lower resolution.

Note the TZ1 aperture cannot be set manually, so we adjusted our lighting to force it to switch between its two aperture settings at the test focal length: f3.8 and f6.3; the former resolved noticeably more detail on the chart, so has been used on this page.

We also reshot the latest test chart with the Fujifilm FinePix S9500 / S9000 at all apertures and found f5.6 to resolve the most detail, so the results here are taken at that setting. Here the Fujifilm S9500 / S9000 with its larger lens and 9 Megapixel sensor unsurprisingly resolves the greatest detail, but it’s also important to see how this influences real-life results – see previous page.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1
Canon PowerShot A620
1600 lpph, 5.2-52mm at 12.2mm, f3.8, 80 ISO
1600 lpph, 7.3-29.2mm at 13mm, f8, 50 ISO
Fujifilm FinePix F11
Fujifilm FinePix S9500 / S9000
1650 lpph, 8-24mm at 18mm, f8, 80 ISO
1900 lpph, 6.2-66.7mm at 14mm, f5.6, 80 ISO
Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1
Canon PowerShot A620
1550 lpph, 5.2-52mm at 12.2mm, f3.8, 80 ISO
1700 lpph, 7.3-29.2mm at 13mm, f8, 50 ISO
Fujifilm FinePix F11
Fujifilm FinePix S9500 / S9000
1800 lpph, 8-24mm at 18mm, f8, 80 ISO
1900 lpph, 6.2-66.7mm at 14mm, f5.6, 80 ISO
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