Nikon 24-120mm f4G VR review
Written by Thomas
The Nikon 24-120/4.0G VR delivers good overall performance, but unfortunately the FX-corners look like the lens has been designed with only a 12MP FX-sensor in mind: On a 36MP full-frame sensor you need to stop down to f8 to lift FX-corner performance to good levels. That said, it is a worthy kit-zoom for any Nikon FX-body and its 5x zoom range with a useful minimum focus distance is very practical in many situations. Plus on a DX-body it mostly delivers good to very good performance, even reaching excellent levels in the center up to 70mm.
But the gold-ring and high price-tag indicated a claim to outperform the lesser (and cheaper) Nikon 24-85/3.5-4.5G VR. That didn’t happen in my tests. In the end the 24-120/4.0 can claim 35mm (=40%) more reach and a brighter constant f4.0 aperture that gives you a 1/3 of a stop advantage from 70mm onwards, plus less distortions than its smaller sibling. Whether this is worth a 500 EUR (100%) mark-up is up to you.
But apart from the price, the lens is a solid performer and earns a Recommended rating. But again I’d strongly suggest you also check out the more recent Nikon 24-85mm f3.5-4.5, as while it may be shorter at the tele-end and lack a constant aperture, its performance is better than its lower price suggests.
SummaryGood points Bad points |
If you have any question, comment or suggestion regarding the review head over to our forum here. A selection of my shots with this lens in full resolution can be found here.
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