Canon PowerShot G7

Canon PowerShot G7 resolution comparison

Canon PowerShot G7 results continued…

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Noise 2 / Corner sharpness / Fringe & macro / Geometry / Vignetting

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To measure and compare the Canon PowerShot G7’s resolving power we photographed the Enhanced Digital Camera Resolution Chart with it and a number of 10 Megapixel rivals, each using their best quality JPEG and default image tone and sharpening settings. Each camera was tested at every aperture setting and the best result selected for this page.

The crops are taken from the original images, saved as High Quality JPEGs in Photoshop CS2 and presented here at 100%. Each number represents 100 lines per picture height (lpph), so a figure of 20 means a resolution of 2000 lpph.

In terms of resolving power, the Canon PowerShot G7 slightly improves upon the best 10 Megapixel compacts we’ve tested so far. Delivering 2100 and 2150 lpph of horizontal and vertical resolution respectively, it edges ahead of the excellent results from the PowerShot A640 and the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50. Since the PowerShot G7 and A640 share the same sensor, the G7’s slightly better result is down to its lens and / or processing.

It’s also interesting to see the three ‘compacts’ slightly out-resolving the Canon EOS 400D / XTi Digital SLR in this test, although its kit lens is famously recognised as a weak point. We should also note the 400D / XTi captures a wider 3:2 aspect ratio, so by matching and comparing the vertical field of view in this test, the sides of its images are effectively ignored. As such when compared against the narrower 4:3 frame of most compacts, the 400D / XTi will effectively be treated as having a resolution closer to 8.9 Megapixels.

That said, the PowerShot G7’s result remains impressive. So long as you keep it set to its lowest sensitivities, it’s capable of recording a great deal of detail.

Canon PowerShot G7
Canon PowerShot A640
2100 lpph, 7.4-44.4mm at 15mm, f4, 80 ISO
2050 lpph, 7.3-29.2mm at 13mm, f4.5, 80 ISO
Canon EOS 400D with 18-55mm lens
Panansonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
Canon EOS 400D horizontal resolution
Panansonic Lumix FZ50 horizontal resolution
2000 lpph, 18-55mm EF-S at 35mm, f8, 100 ISO
2100 lpph, 7.4-88.8mm at 12mm, f4, 100 ISO
Canon PowerShot G7
Canon PowerShot A640
2150 lpph, 7.4-44.4mm at 15mm, f4, 80 ISO
2100 lpph, 7.3-29.2mm at 13mm, f4.5, 80 ISO
Canon EOS 400D with 18-55mm lens
Panansonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
Canon EOS 400D vertical resolution
Panansonic Lumix FZ50 vertical resolution
2100 lpph, 18-55mm EF-S at 35mm, f8, 100 ISO
2100 lpph, 7.4-88.8mm at 12mm, f4, 100 ISO
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