Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT with 18-55mm f3.5~5.6 II EF-S lens


Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT resolution comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

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  To measure resolving power we photographed the standard ISO 12233 test chart with each camera set to its best quality JPEG settings. We then set the bundled lenses to f8 using Aperture Priority mode. The crops are taken from the originals and presented here at 100%. Each number represents 100 lines per picture height (lpph), so a figure of 18 means a resolution of 1800 lpph.

Canon EOS 350D horizontal resolution

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D using the 18-55mm EF-S at 35mm f8; the original JPEG measured 2.48MB. With 1750 lpph of horizontal and vertical resolution, the 350D comfortably beats its rivals.

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Konica Minolta 5D horizontal resolution
1750 lpph, 18-55mm EF-S at 35mm, f8, 1/60, 100 ISO
1550 lpph, 18-70mm DT at 35mm, f8, 1/50, 100 ISO
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Nikon D50 horizontal resolution
Pentax *istDL horizontal resolution
1650 lpph, 18-55mm DX at 35mm, f8, 1/100, 200 ISO
1500 lpph, 18-55mm DA at 35mm, f8, 1/90, 200 ISO
Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Canon EOS 350D vertical resolution
Konica Minolta 5D vertical resolution
1750 lpph, 18-55mm EF-S at 35mm, f8, 1/60, 100 ISO
1500 lpph, 18-70mm DT at 35mm, f8, 1/50, 100 ISO
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Nikon D50 vertical resolution
Pentax *istDL vertical resolution
1500 lpph, 18-55mm DX at 35mm, f8, 1/100, 200 ISO
1550 lpph, 18-55mm DA at 35mm, f8, 1/90, 200 ISO

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT noise level comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

To measure electronic noise levels we photographed the standard Gretag Macbeth ColorChecker at each of the camera’s ISO settings. The crops are taken from the originals and presented here at 100%. To compare typical noise in skies and dark shadows the crops were taken from patches 3 and 24 respectively.

Canon EOS-350D at 100 ISO

Canon’s EOS-350D clearly delivers the lowest overall noise levels of the group, with 400 and even 800 ISO images being very clean. Nikon’s D50 also performs well on the sky simulation, but reveals higher noise on the black patches.

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D at 100 ISO
Nikon D50 - 100 ISO not available
Pentax *istDL - 100 ISO not available
100 ISO, 1/125, f8
100 ISO, 1/125, f8
100 ISO not available
100 ISO not available
Canon EOS-350D at 200 ISO
Konica Minolta 5D at 200 ISO
Nikon D50 at 200 ISO
Pentax *istDL at 200 ISO
200 ISO, 1/200, f8
200 ISO, 1/250, f8
200 ISO, 1/200, f8
200 ISO, 1/180, f8
Canon EOS-350D at 400 ISO
Konica Minolta 5D at 400 ISO
Nikon D50 at 400 ISO
Pentax *istDL at 400 ISO
400 ISO, 1/400, f8
400 ISO, 1/500, f8
400 ISO, 1/400, f8
400 ISO, 1/350, f8
Canon EOS-350D at 800 ISO
Konica Minolta 5D at 800 ISO
Nikon D50 at 800 ISO
Pentax *istDL at 800 ISO
800 ISO, 1/800, f8
800 ISO, 1/1000, f8
800 ISO, 1/800, f8
800 ISO, 1/750, f8
Canon EOS-350D at 1600 ISO
Konica Minolta 5D at 1600 ISO
Nikon D50 at 1600 ISO
Pentax *istDL at 1600 ISO
1600 ISO, 1/1600, f8
1600 ISO, 1/1600, f8
1600 ISO, 1/1600, f8
1600 ISO, 1/1500, f8
Canon EOS-350D - 3200 ISO not available
Konica Minolta 5D at 3200 ISO
Nikon D50 - 3200 ISO not available
Pentax *istDL at 3200 ISO
3200 ISO not available
3200 ISO, 1/3200, f8
3200 ISO not available
3200 ISO, 1/3000, f8

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT corner sharpness comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

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To measure corner sharpness we photographed the standard ISO 12233 test chart with each camera set to its best quality JPEG settings. We used the bundled lenses at their widest and longest focal lengths with various apertures in Aperture Priority mode. The crops are taken from the lower left corner of the chart and presented here at 100%.

Canon EOS-350D at 18mm f3.5

The 18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f3.5 is slightly soft, but sharper than its rivals, and acceptable once closed by a few stops. At 55mm the lens performs similarly to the competition, although again the best results are when closed by two or more stops.

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D at 18mm f3.5
Nikon D50 at 18mm f3.5
Pentax *istDL at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f3.5
18-70mm DT at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm DX at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm DA at 18mm f3.5
Canon EOS-350D at 18mm f8
Konica Minolta 5D at 18mm f8
Nikon D50 at 18mm f8
Pentax *istDL at 18mm f8
18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f8
18-70mm DT at 18mm f8
18-55mm DX at 18mm f8
18-55mm DA at 18mm f8
Canon EOS-350D at 18mm f16
Konica Minolta 5D at 18mm f16
Nikon D50 at 18mm f16
Pentax *istDL at 18mm f16
18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f16
18-70mm DT at 18mm f16
18-55mm DX at 18mm f16
18-55mm DA at 18mm f16
Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Canon EOS-350D at 55mm f5.6
Konica Minolta 5D at 55m f5.6
Nikon D50 at 55mm f5.6
Pentax *istDL at 55mm f5.6
18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f5.6
18-70mm DT at 55mm f5.6
18-55mm DX at 55mm f5.6
18-55mm DA at 55mm f5.6
Canon EOS-350D at 55mm f8
Konica Minolta 5D at 55mm f8
Nikon D50 at 55mm f8
Pentax *istDL at 55mm f8
18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f8
18-70mm DT at 55mm f8
18-55mm DX at 55mm f8
18-55mm DA at 55mm f8
Canon EOS-350D at 55mm f16
Konica Minolta 5D at 55mm f16
Nikon D50 at 55mm f16
Pentax *istDL at 55mm f16
18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f16
18-70mm DT at 55mm f16
18-55mm DX at 55mm f16
18-55mm DA at 55mm f16

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT purple fringing comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

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To measure purple fringing caused by lens chromatic aberrations and sensor blooming, we photographed a custom test chart, left, with areas of very high contrast. We used the bundled lenses at their widest and longest focal lengths with the aperture wide open in Aperture Priority mode. The crops are taken from the upper left corner of the chart and presented here at 100%.

The 350D with the 18-55mm EF-S lens exhibits purple fringing at its widest position, but no worse than its rivals. Fringing is virtually absent at the 55mm end, again in line with the competition.

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Canon EOS-350D with 18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f3.5
Konica Minolta 5D with 18-70mm DT at 18mm f3.5
Nikon D50 with 18-55mm DX at 18mm f3.5
Pentax *istDL with 18-55mm DA at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f3.5
18-70mm DT at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm DX at 18mm f3.5
18-55mm DA at 18mm f3.5
Canon EOS-350D with 18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f5.6
Konica Minolta 5D with 18-70mm DT at 70mm f5.6
Nikon D50 with 18-55mm DX at 55mm f5.6
Pentax *istDL with 18-55mm DA at 55mm f5.6
18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f5.6
18-70mm DT at 70mm f5.6
18-55mm DX at 55mm f5.6
18-55mm DA at 55mm f5.6

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT macro comparison

Canon 350D / Rebel XT macro test   To measure macro performance we photographed a custom chart using the bundled lenses at a distance and focal length which delivered the maximum possible reproduction. The dark lines are 10mm apart.

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D and the 18-55mm EF-S lens at f8. Like other budget digital SLR lenses, the best macro performance was achieved using its longest focal length of 55mm. Here the lens captured an area measuring 66x44mm from a distance of 13cm. This is essentially the same as the competition, although superior to Konica Minolta.

Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D macro test
Nikon D50 macro test
Pentax *istDL macro test
18-70mm DT at 70mm f8
Max area of 82x54mm at 20.5cm
  18-55mm DX at 55mm f8
Max area of 70x49mm at 13cm
  18-55mm DA at 55mm f8
Max area of 66x44mm at 12cm

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT wide-angle geometry comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Canon 350D / Rebel XT wide angle geometry test

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

  To measure geometric distortion we photographed a custom test chart consisting of a grid pattern with perfectly straight lines. Here are the results for the bundled lenses at their widest focal length using an aperture of f8 in Aperture Priority mode. The images were analysed with Imatest using 5th Order line calculation and the full areas presented here at a reduced resolution.

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D and the 18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f8. Barrel distortion was measured at 3.35% which is slightly better than the Nikon and Konica Minolta bundled lenses, but not as good as the Pentax.

Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D wide angle geometry test
Nikon D50 wide angle geometry test
Pentax *istDL wide angle geometry test
18-70mm DT at 18mm f8
Distortion: 3.49% barrel
  18-55mm DX at 18mm f8
Distortion: 3.51% barrel
  18-55mm DA at 18mm f8
Distortion: 2.76% barrel

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT telephoto geometry comparison

Canon 350D / Rebel XT telephoto geometry test   To measure geometric distortion we photographed a custom test chart consisting of a grid pattern with perfectly straight lines. Here are the results for the bundled lenses at their longest focal length using an aperture of f8 in Aperture Priority mode. The images were analysed with Imatest using 5th Order line calculation and the full areas presented here at a reduced resolution.

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D and the 18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f8. Pincushion distortion was measured at 0.389% which is barely noticeable.

Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D telephoto geometry test
Nikon D50 telephoto geometry test
Pentax *istDL telephoto geometry test
18-70mm DT at 70mm f8
Distortion: 0.309% pincushion
  18-55mm DX at 55mm f8
Distortion: 0.169% barrel
  18-55mm DA at 55mm f8
Distortion: 0.58% pincushion

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT wide-angle uniformity comparison

Canon EOS 350D results continued…

Canon 350D / Rebel XT wide angle uniformity test

Outdoor / Resolution / Noise / Corner sharpness / Fringe and macro / Geometry / Vignetting

  To measure lens vignetting and light fall-off we photographed a white target with a highly diffused custom filter. Here are the results for the bundled lenses at their widest focal lengths with the apertures wide open in Aperture Priority mode. The images were analysed with Imatest and the full areas presented here at a reduced resolution.

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D and the 18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f3.5. The light falls off to an average of 68.8% in the corners, which while better than the Pentax, is well below the Nikon and Konica Minolta results.

Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D wide angle uniformity test
Nikon D50 wide angle uniformity test
Pentax *istDL wide angle uniformity test
18-70mm DT at 18mm f3.5
Mean corner fall-off: 73.5%
  18-55mm DX at 18mm f3.5
Mean corner fall-off: 81%
  18-55mm DA at 18mm f3.5
Mean corner fall-off: 61.8%

Canon EOS-350D / Digital Rebel XT telephoto uniformity comparison

Canon 350D / Rebel XT telephoto uniformity test   To measure lens vignetting and light fall-off we photographed a white target with a highly diffused custom filter. Here are the results for the bundled lenses at their longest focal lengths with the apertures wide open in Aperture Priority mode. The images were analysed with Imatest and the full areas presented here at a reduced resolution.

The image left was taken with the Canon EOS-350D and the 18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f5.6. The light falls off to an average of 83.8% in the corners, which is similar to the Pentax but again well below the Nikon and Konica Minolta results.

Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Pentax *istDL
Konica Minolta 5D telephoto uniformity test
Nikon D50 telephoto uniformity test
Pentax *istDL telephoto uniformity test
18-70mm DT at 70mm f5.6
Mean corner fall-off: 90.1%
  18-55mm DX at 55mm f5.6
Mean corner fall-off: 90.3%
  18-55mm DA at 55mm f5.6
Mean corner fall-off: 81.1%
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