Canon EF-S 10-18mm IS STM review-so-far
Written by Gordon Laing
The Canon EF-S 10-18mm IS STM is a compact and light-weight ultra-wide zoom for Canon’s cropped-frame DSLRs with APSC sensors. Announced in May 2014, it provides a smaller and more affordable alternative to the earlier EF-S 10-22mm USM, which previously was Canon’s only ultra-wide option for its cropped-frame DSLRs. With the newer lens coming in at less than half the price of the old model, it opens-up the joys of ultra-wide photography to a much wider audience.
Mounted on a cropped-frame / APSC DSLR, the EF-S 10-18mm IS STM delivers coverage equivalent to 16-29mm, allowing you to capture expansive landscapes, dramatic architectural views, or just simply large group shots when you can’t step back any further. The zoom range is also a perfect complement to most of Canon’s kit zooms which start at 18mm – couple them with the EF-S 10-18mm STM and you’ll be able to keep zooming wider without any interruption (or unnecessary overlap) in coverage.
Most potential buyers of the EF-S 10-18mm STM will of course be weighing it up against the older EF-S 10-22mm USM. The most obvious differences are the slightly longer reach of the old lens and its brighter focal ratio of f3.5-4.5 versus f4.5-5.6. But don’t assume the older lens has all the cards: the newer EF-S 10-18mm STM features optical image stabilisation absent from the older model which more than makes up for the slightly slower focal ratio for most photographers. It also features STM focusing that’s smoother and quieter for movies and live view. Measuring 75mm in diameter by 72mm in length with a 67mm filter thread and 240g weight, it’s also comfortably smaller and lighter than the EF-S 10-22mm at 84x90mm, 77mm filter and 385g weight. And once again there’s that small matter of costing less than half the price. As such while the older EF-S 10-22mm USM remains a fine lens, most Canon owners buying their first ultra-wide zoom will now be better-served by the newer EF-S 10-18mm STM. Sure, the build quality with the plastic lens mount is no-better than the basic 18-55mm kit zooms so don’t expect any toughness, weather-sealing or a lens hood, but it’s hard to argue with the performance and features for the money.
I’ve shot with the EF-S 10-18mm IS STM extensively and have put together a broad selection of sample images below; I’ll add more detail to this review in the near future. [geot][/geot]PS – if you find my work useful don’t forget you can support me when you shop for anything at [geot country=”US”][/geot][geot region=”UK”][/geot][geot region=”Germany”][/geot][geot region=”France”][/geot][geot region=”Spain”][/geot][geot country=”Italy”][/geot][geot country=”Canada”][/geot][geot exclude_region=”UK,Germany, France,Spain” exclude_country=”Italy,Canada,US”]eBay[/geot], B&H or Adorama by first clicking through to them using the links here – it works for anything you order at any time, or alternatively you could treat yourself to my [geot country=”US”]In Camera book[/geot][geot region=”UK”]In Camera book[/geot][geot region=”Germany”]In Camera book[/geot][geot region=”France”]In Camera book[/geot][geot region=”Spain”]In Camera book[/geot][geot country=”Italy”]In Camera book[/geot][geot country=”Canada”]In Camera book[/geot] or treat me to a coffee! Thanks!

Above: Canon EF-S 10-18mm coverage, left at 10mm (16mm equiv), right at 18mm (29mm equiv)
Brief verdict
Canon’s EF-S 10-18mm IS STM is a lightweight and affordable ultra-wide zoom for its cropped-frame / APSC format DSLRs. The coverage takes over where most kit lenses start, but zooms so much wider, capturing vast landscapes, huge buildings, or just large group shots when you can’t step back any further; indeed this also makes it invaluable for vloggers who hold their camera at arm’s length. The build quality is basic, and it may lack the extra reach and slightly brighter aperture of the earlier EF-S 10-22mm, but the optical quality remains very respectable, and the presence of image stabilisation and smoother STM focusing makes it much preferable for movie shooters. Considering the low price, it really is one of the bargains in the Canon catalogue and a must for any owner of a Canon APSC DSLR who fancies getting into ultra-wide-angle photography.