Pentax *istDL review with 18-55mm f3.5~5.6 DA lens

Pentax *istDL wide-angle geometry comparison

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Canon EOS 350D wide angle geometry test
Konica Minolta wide angle geometry test
Nikon D50 wide angle geometry test
18-55mm EF-S at 18mm f8
Distortion: 3.35% barrel
  18-70mm DT at 18mm f8
Distortion: 3.49% barrel
  18-55mm DX at 18mm f8
Distortion: 3.51% barrel

Pentax *istDL telephoto geometry comparison

Pentax *istDL telephoto geometry test   To measure geometric distortion we photographed a custom test chart consisting of a grid pattern with perfectly straight lines. Here are the results for the bundled lenses at their longest focal length with an aperture of f8 in Aperture Priority mode. The images were analysed with Imatest using 5th Order line calculation and the full areas presented here at a reduced resolution.

The image left was taken with the Pentax *istDL and the 18-55mm DA at 55mm f8. Pincushion distortion was measured at 0.58% which while barely noticeable, remains the worst of the group.

Canon EOS-350D
Konica Minolta Dynax 5D
Nikon D50
Canon EOS 350D telephoto geometry test
Konica Minolta 5D telephoto geometry test
Nikon D50 telephoto geometry test
18-55mm EF-S at 55mm f8
Distortion: 0.389% pincushion
  18-70mm DT at 70mm f8
Distortion: 0.309% pincushion
  18-55mm DX at 55mm f8
Distortion: 0.169% barrel
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